Nagmani Lathe
contact image

Kahaan Enterprises

Formerly known as Kiran Manufacturers

Office Address

4-Vaidwadi , Near Railway Crossing,
Mavdi Main Road , Rajkot - 360004

Tel. +91 281 2386920

Factory Address

5, Umakant Pandit Udhyognagar,
Mavdi Plot, Rajkot - 360004 (Gujarat - INDIA)

Tel. +91 281 2372036

Phone No.

+91 98245 09191 (Mr. Zenish Vachhani - MD)

+91 84880 91991 (Mr. Sarvendra Upadhyay - Sales)

+91 84699 97652 (Mr. Aashif Solanki)

A customer is the
most important visitor on our premises.
He is not an interruption in our work.
He is the purpose of it.

Quick Inquiry

Our team of executive is always active and excited to answer your queries, just fill up the necessary fields of information and we'll revert you back as earliest possible.

Our Valuable Customers